Thursday 30 April 2009

Blooming at the farm

The roses are blooming away happily in our farm garden, oblivious to the impending cold ...
... and the autumn leaves are starting to colour.
'Paris 2000', a French Delbard rose with its mesmerising stamens
Silver birches colouring up
Super soft peachy pink Rosa 'Heritage', by David Austin
The sweet Rosa 'Perfume Perfection'
And this is what happens when a rose gets confused! This is a David Austin rose called 'Winchester Cathedral' which should be a pure white. But because it has been bred from 'Mary Rose' which is pink, sometimes it sends up a throw back to its origins. And so I have this bicolour rose with an identity crisis!

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Parisian vintage treasures

I received lots of special mail while I was away. The generosity of bloggers always takes me by surprise & warms my heart. This package arrived from Petit Détails, all the way from beautiful Paris:
Petit Détails is one of my favourite blogs to read; an inspiring place to be, with beautifully stitched pieces, often using linen & sublime combinations of soft red, white & blue. There is a serenity & elegant simplicity about this blog that I really love. And I love to see the amazing vintage items she manages to find in the flea markets of Paris. What treasures she has unearthed! Here are just a few of the delightful images from her blog:
So of course, when Petit Détails was offering a chance in a giveaway of vintage fabrics, I had my name in the draw as a quick as a flash. And I was lucky enough to be drawn the winner! Her parcel arrived and beautiful it is!! All of it, right down to the birdy swing card & the lace tie! 
What really took my breath away was the red & white trim with my initials - that is VERY special. It will be treasured. I have a plan for making something special with these. Not sure how long it will take me to get around to it, but I have a plan! Back soon, with more special mail deliveries.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Back from the country

For those of you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that when I 'disappear' from cyberspace for a while, it means that I have been back to our little farm to spend time with family, do lots of gardening, play some tennis & generally 'escape' the world for a bit. On my return to town & my computer, there are many, many things to share, but where to start? Perhaps a little eye candy? I had the chance to visit one of my favourite quilting shops while I was back at the farm. 'Weigela Design' is in the small country town of Warren in central New South Wales. Warren shire has a population of just over 3000, and is in the heart of irrigated cotton growing country. 'Weigela Design' is owned by the lovely Sue Brennan & a visit to her shop is always inspiring.
There is room after room of beautiful quilts to admire ...
... and of course, no shortage of fabrics to purchase ...
... original designs by Sue to inspire, including these sweet little felt Christmas ornaments ...
... a stunning version of  'How to Grow Angels' quilt by Anni Downs of Hatched & Patched ...
... and another sample of a new Hatched & Patched design, called 'Home for Summer'. 
I have more photos of this gorgeous shop to follow, but for now, you can see my posts from previous visits here, here, here and here.
Unfortunately, Weigela Design has no website, or blog, but I can pass on phone contact details for anyone interested.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Stitching therapy

My sewing machine & associated paraphernalia have been packed away over Easter to make room for visitors. So some hand stitching made it's re-emergence.
Having not hand stitched for a while, it was so lovely to get back to. An immediate calm comes over me, as I sit & stitch.
I try to convince my Sweetness that it is good for my health & well-being. He seems unconvinced, but humours my need (most days)!
Edit - Some answers to your questions on this post:
The pattern? A gorgeous new stitchery pattern by Rosie Quinlan, due to be released in June. I transfer the pattern to my fabric using a sharp lead pencil & a light box. I also fuse a layer of Weaveline, a light fusible interfacing to the back of my stitcheries.
The thread? 2 strands DMC Colour Variations #4120 Tropical Sunset.
The fabric? The fabric is called Sienna Linen by Leutenegger. It is actually a linen cotton blend, so is more affordable & easier to work with than a pure linen. It is 150cm wide and AU$12 per metre. My local supplier has sold out of this fabric, & I will be searching out a new stockist.
What am I making? A special surprise something for a friend! 

Sunday 12 April 2009

Friday 10 April 2009

His wounds have paid my ransom

Good Friday at our house means homemade hot cross buns & an easter egg hunt in the garden with the cousins.
But Good Friday is also a time for our family to reflect on Jesus - who he was, what he did and why. This song by Stuart Townend sums it all up for me. (You can listen to this by clicking on the play button below).
How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
I'd love to hear what answers you've found to the 'Jesus question'(be they similar to mine or not), or how you spend Easter at your place. A very happy Easter to you all. Best wishes, Bloom.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

March of the loyalty cards

I have at least 20 cards in my wallet, most of which only get used very occasionally. I was fed up with these cards falling out of my wallet. Thankfully, A Spoonful of Sugar came up with the perfect solution! Using their Scrappy Loyalty Card Wallet tutorial, at last my cards are in some sort of order! I made this one ... to go with this bag
But then this bag needed a matching wallet too: 
My 13-year-old blossie is away for an entire week on cadet camp (read: 'roughing it, no showers, lots of dust, sleeping in the open'!), so I thought she would enjoy a little surprise on her pillow when she returns. This one goes with her frilly dilly.
I had fun in amongst my vintage buttons ... 
... with this duck egg blue one being my favourite. 
Couldn't resist using a little selvedge trim on this one for my daughter.
Thank you to Lisa & Sarah for a great tutorial. I had lots of fun making these, and my world is a nicer place now that my cards are organised. The house is a mess, but my handbag is looking very cool!

Monday 6 April 2009

Giveaway at 'Don't Look Now'

To celebrate the release of her brand new pattern, Kellie at 'Don't Look Now' is having the most amazing giveaway.
Do yourself a favour, & get on over to say hi to Kellie. Prepare yourself for a visual feast of texture, colour & unbelievable workmanship. This woman's talent blows my mind!

Friday 3 April 2009

M-u-u-um!! I sick ...

Feeling really green this week.
No, 'green', as in, 'sick-as-a-dog' green, so very little creativity to report. What to do? Call in Mum for backup, of course! This is a little cot quilt she made for my nephew.
It is made from a single printed panel, and so it is quick, and so very cheerful.
My favourite blocks:
two funny frog fingers
three tiny shiny kitty claws
and seven spendid zebra stripes.
If you're feeling off-colour, have a look at this site. It will cheer you up and you can be any colour you want! Fun!
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