A hot, hot January was spent enjoying the tennis, both onscreen and off. I made some progress on this quilt, and it seemed only appropriate that its first appearance be on court. Quilt top is on your forehand side, backing on your backhand :)
I drafted this quilt using Quiltography. However, I didn't construct it using half-square triangles as the diagram suggests. I really wasn't keen on all those seams - 'seamed' like far too much work :)
So in laziness, surely induced by the weather, I devised an easier option. I cut strips and sewed them together as shown below. Then I crosscut them at 45 degrees. I sewed these parallelogram units together in columns. This method means the main vertical seams of the quilt are on the bias, but this caused no problems. In fact, the top came together like a dream.

The fabrics I've used are mostly Amy Butler's 'Daisy Chain' with a dose of navy from Tula Pink, Anna Maria Horner & Joel Dewberry.
I used surplus fabrics to piece the stripped backing, making the quilt reversible.
I'm very happy with how this quilt has turned out. It will head off to University with the eldest Miss. She chose the fabrics, a wonderfully cool and tranquil palette and a perfect antidote to the weather here.
A very happy New Year to you. I hope 2014 brings you good health, peace and contentment. Serve up!