My tiny Tête-à-Tête miniature daffodils are indicators of unseasonably warm weather, and herald promise of more warmth and blooms to come.
We made good use of last weekend's warm conditions, and got out and about. Our eldest blossie (15) made her artistic debut at her school's Art Fair with a pencil drawing of actress Christina Ricci. She has been working on this piece at school, and we hadn't seen it until the Fair. We were gobsmacked by her effort. The original photo is shown below her sketch.
Had a lovely weekend with my Mum, and she has returned home with her new bag in tow. She also picked up a cute train print to make a quilt for my train-crazy nephew. So I sent her packing with lots of coordinating prints for her to 'get steam up'!
I have more to do this week than I can poke a stick at ... sorry, Mum-the-queen-of-mad-sayings has been visiting. She makes the kids laugh with her sayings. We always know exactly what she means, but have no idea where she gets them from! The one she uses the most when we are sewing: "A blind man would be pleased to see it". This saying is a mantra in our house when a project isn't progressing quite as perfectly as we would hope!
But I digress ... I have more to do this week than I can poke a stick at, but I am really hoping to play with this: a jelly roll of beautiful, French-inspired prints called 'Etchings' by 3 Sisters for Moda (purchased from Patchwork Plus).

Enjoy your week. Hoping for some badly needed rain here in NSW for struggling crops. Hopefully it is coming Wednesday. Bloom x