Friday 24 May 2013

Birthday roses

One of my daughter's best friends celebrated her 18th birthday yesterday. Daughter decided last week that she'd like to make her friend a quilt ... as you do! 

I directed her to Want It, Need It, Quilt where she promptly chose a 'Padstow' layer cake by Cabbages and Roses for Moda. Her choice took me by surprise a little - very 'English Roses', sophisticated and grown up.


The time frame demanded something simple, so she used my raw edge quilt tutorial. We argued debated enthusiastically about whether to use the two dominant red prints. I lost :) But  we compromised by including a few extra dark pink fabrics.

For a girl who has not shown much interest in sewing, I was very impressed with how quickly and perfectly she put this quilt together. She was decisive and focussed, dismissing any procrastinating on my part. "No Mum, no time for worrying about that. I have to finish this for Thursday"!

Admittedly, she ran out of time to hand stitch the bind. That was my job, into the wee hours of Thursday morning! And so, daughter arrived at school yesterday, a cold, bleak Thursday, with her birthday parcel tucked proudly under her arm. She even tolerated my request to take my point-and-shoot camera to school to snap some shots to show you! Her friend is a beautiful young girl, sincere and loyal. She was quietly overwhelmed with her gift, and I'm guessing the quilt will be used to snuggle under as she studies for her HSC later in the year. 

Sunday 12 May 2013

A mother's work

A very happy day to all mothers today. I hope you have been made to feel special for all that you do for your families.

I have put my hand up this term to teach Sunday School, and as coincidence would have it, a portion of today's lesson was about original sin and how God's disappointment manifested itself, in part, by decreeing that women would have pain in childbirth!

My group of young innocents (aged 9-12) were wide-eyed with the apparently new thought that their mothers may have endured pain in bringing them into the world. I suspect I sent them home with a newfound appreciation for their mothers, especially the boy who was one of seven :)

It is not new news that mothers are often asked to fulfil unusual requests for their children. My youngest fancies herself as a song writer and, as a writing task for school, has decided to produce her first album (!) 

She has written some songs with an anti-bullying theme, and centred on the concept of never having to walk alone through life. She asked me to take some thoughtful shots of her walking alone through the Botanic Gardens, hoping that she might use the photos for her album cover. Ha, my first official photo shoot :)

She spent a lot of time gazing pensively and meaningfully in a manner worthy of any sultry songstress!


The gardens are looking particularly beautiful right now and it was entirely pleasure on my part to wander about taking artistic shots of my lovely girl in the late afternoon light.

This is the same girl who was so ill last year, and whose sickness has had a profound and lasting effect upon her. It has left her with a compassion for others and their sufferings that she may well not have otherwise had.

As you might guess, I also took the opportunity to sneak an occasional shot of the Autumn loveliness of the gardens.

There is every hue of red, orange and gold strewn gloriously across the lawns and paths.

And the sasanqua camellias are stunning right now.

Since a child, I have been intrigued by the delicate, golden stamens that form ethereally from the centre of many blooms ...

... with their perfectly formed anthers floating atop, loaded richly with pollen. So beautiful!

I spotted this tiny curiosity as we left the gardens. It looks as if it may be related to the arums, but I really have no idea what it is. Equally beautiful in its own way!

Finally, as we approached the garden gate late in the afternoon, the sun was blazing gloriously on these three magnificent maples, standing sentry for all to admire. A breathtaking sight. And so ended one of the less arduous tasks asked of me as a mother!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Ice-cream slice

I'm guessing that in your part of the world, as in mine, there are recipes that 'go viral', being passed quickly from one person to the next. They are usually quick and easy, and as a consequence, often use processed ingredients. Chang's Crispy Noodle Chinese Cabbage Salad springs to mind! If there's an Australian who hasn't had this salad at a BBQ, I'd be surprised.

Now while I am not a big fan of using processed foods in recipes, this one tastes too good not to share :) Recipe courtesy of my mother. Who knows where it originated!

Ice-Cream Slice

600mL thickened cream 
1 tin condensed milk 
2 chocolate honeycomb bars, such as Violet Crumble or Crunchie 
1 packet Arnott's Malt 'O' Milk biscuits

Roughly chop the honeycomb bars. Combine cream and condensed milk in a bowl and whip until thick. Fold the chopped honeycomb bars through the mixture.

In a lined slice tray, place a layer of Malt 'O' Milk biscuits. Spoon the cream mixture over the top of the biscuits. Top with the remaining biscuits. Freeze until set. Cut into bars and watch it disappear!
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