I have been working on this stitchery design by Lynette Anderson. It will be a needlecase for my Mum, & is from Lynette's Weekend Projects range.

I bought this as a kit for Mum last Mothers' Day & she hasn't had time to make it up. She is having a tough time with her own mother at the moment. My Grandma who has dementia has deteriorated badly in the last little while. She is in hospital presently & Mum is doing her best to care for her, but Grandma has become quite abusive, so Mum is doing it tough. I am not able to be with them, so phone calls from afar & stitching gifts is the limit of my comfort unfortunately.

Among my mother's many good attributes is an enormous capacity for forgiveness - a good thing really, as this Mothers' Day gift will be late - love you Mum!