The end of school term has been so busy for my kids (& therefore for me), that there has been no time for sewing. Thankfully, I've at least been able enjoy the creativity of others. There is inspiration everywhere:
The lovely, and very accomplished Janet over at Quiltsalott has put together a wonderful purse tutorial. I am itching to stitch some of these.
For a quick and very cute Easter project, consider The Long Thread's Bunny Bowling pattern, a free download available here.

Aimee Ray, author of Doodle Stitching, has a sweet birdcage stitchery pattern, and a really helpful tutorial about stitching embroidery designs on felt at her blog Little Dear Tracks.
I have been on the lookout for baby quilt tutorials and have found these two funky modern possibilities:
Warmest congratulations to fellow Aussie, Julie at Narioka who recently had a gorgeous quilt published on Moda Bakeshop. Go girl! Her Cobblestone Road & Pebbles Doll quilts are really lovely and her tutorial can be found here.
If you've made it this far down my post, please pop over to Thimbelina and say 'Hi' - she is a real-life (!) friend of mine and stitches beautifully.
Now, if all this inspiration has left you feeling exhausted & over-stimulated, then sit back and enjoy this post. Heather Mulder Peterson, quilt designer extraordinaire, has blogged about her mother's sewing room - oh my, read it and weep! A sewing room to die for!
And finally, if you're not able to travel this Easter, then take yourself on the most amazing pictorial trip with 52 suburbs and learn a whole lot about Australia's diverse city of Sydney. Louise has challenged herself to visit & photograph one new suburb of Sydney each week for a year, an amazing feat. The photography on this site is astonishingly beautiful.