How cheeky was that seal in yesterday's post?! No, unfortunately I didn't take the photo. No seal or penguin would survive the summer temperatures where I've been!
I have returned from a month at our farm with a 'cocky's suntan' from many hours in the garden. Despite a hot Aussie summer, our garden is coping quite well, and my roses greeted me with their unparalleled beauty yet again. They are so resilient & undemanding. I hope these images from my garden warm your heart, especially those of you in the midst of a snowbound winter!

'Pretty Jessica' by David Austin
'Grimaldi', a Delbard rose
'Mother's Love'
The inimitable 'Double Delight'


'Jubilee Celebration' by David Austin

Full nodding blooms of Rosa 'Crown Princess Margareta' by David Austin

'Camille Pissarro' by Delbard

'Perfume Perfection'

'Benjamin Britten' by David Austin
