I have received a very exciting message from Annie at Sew Nutty, a fellow Aussie girl, who has just finished her beautiful version of my 'Simply-a-Bloom' quilt. She has used 'American Primer' by Minick & Simpson for Moda.
I think you'll agree, she has done a fantastic job. Congratulations Annie on surviving my tutorial. It is an enormous relief to me that my instructions made sense! And very special to think someone else liked my pattern enough to make it!!
I have set up a Flickr group, Made with Bloom. Please feel free to add your photos to this group if you happen to make things from my tutorials. I would love to see your creations. There is also a Moda Bakeshop group which is a great place to visit for inspiration.
Mum has returned to the farm, but not before she made some significant progress on her table runner.