Friday 23 October 2009

Plus quelques roses de mon jardin

It seems I'm not the only 'rose-tragic' out there! Thank you for the many lovely comments on my last post. Because I promised, here are just a few more roses in bloom at my farm garden right now - I couldn't resist a little French title for this post considering so many of these roses are French Delbards!
Rosa 'Henri Matisse'
'Henri Matisse'
Gorgeous soft red splashed with white paint strokes. Works beautifully with all my David Austins.
Released by Delbard 1995
'Camille Pissaro' Another painterly rose, a real stunner, golden yellow, red striped Released by Delbard 1996
Rosa 'Citron Fraise' 'Citron Fraise' A very pretty rose, ivory edged with raspberry. Released by Delbard 1998 Rose 'France Libre'
'France Libre'
Not sure if I will keep this one. It is an 'in your face' orange. I don't mind a soft burnt orange, but this screams at me a bit. I will keep him a little longer & see if he grows on me!
Released by Delbard 1995 P1110311 'Le Reine Victoria' Another amazing old rose, always laden with heavily cupped blooms. Released Schwartz 1872 Rosa 'Angel Face' 'Angel Face' A cute, frilly lavender coloured rose. Released by Swim & Weeks 1968 'Jumpin' Jack' A low grower, with beautiful stamens on open blooms Released 1997 Happy weekend everyone! Bloom x
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