As I mentioned, I have been winning giveaways with an embarrassing regularity. This delicious little bundle tied up in red & white ribbon is my third (& final!) win.

Sarah of The Last Piece generously offered up a Moda 'Snippets' layer cake, oooh, and now it is at my place! Sarah, until very recently, was one half of the dynamic duo who made up Material Obsession. Along with business partner Kathy, they have wowed Australian, and indeed, worldwide quilting circles with their innovative use of colour and design. I'm talking serious talents here, and seriously famous! They know Kaffe personally!!
My first thought when this little bundle of goodness arrived was that it was surely destined for one of Sarah's designs, 'Dottie for Dresden' (and I am even more convinced having seen this post)!

To celebrate, there are giveaway opportunities all over the place! Sarah is giving away fat quarter packs of Lizzy House's new line, Red Letter Day. SEWN has all sorts of amazing prizes to celebrate its launch here. And bloggers are sharing in the celebration too, by inviting themselves to a Blog Launch Party! Check here for blogs who are also having giveaways to coincide with the launch of SEWN on June 8.
So of course, considering all my amazing giveaway wins lately, it seems only proper to even up the score a little! I have joined the Launch Party (any excuse for a champagne!) and will be having a giveaway very soon. The Launch Party giveaways will all be drawn on June 8, so that gives me a little bit of time to stitch something up. Please check back soon!