Another bunny stitchery - this is one of three small cushions I stitched for the baby son of a good friend of mine. The design is by
Anni Downs of
Hatched and Patched.

There are other cute designs in Anni's series called 'Simple Stitchings'. You can find the full range of designs

One of my favourite bunny makers is
Little Cotton Rabbits - too cute! And just a little bit of Friday Flickr fun - some more bunnies for you. My favourite is the very last pink one. I love the stunned 'bunny in the headlights' expression!

august the bunny, 2.
the long eared patchwork bunny, 3.
little_babu_bunny, 4.
byelittlee, 5.
Cuori con coniglietti, 6.
Usagi, 7.
forest of tree ornaments, 8.
blue boys, 9.
Jojo's Bunny, 10.
conigli tilda, 11.
Two Best Bunnies from the Chocolate Box series, 12.
Smile, 13.
Ballet bunnies, 14.
bunni, 15.
Two bunnies for two little girls (best friends), 16.
Pink bunny