Friday, 29 February 2008
Where did that week go?
Not much to report on the quilting front for this week, although I did manage a few ten minute sessions here and there to do a some rows of my 'Le Jardin' quilt.
Thank you to all the lovely perfectionist souls out there who left such encouraging, empathetic comments on my last post. I suspected I wasn't alone!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Call me a perfectionist ...
During my first conversation with a new acquaintance recently, my precious 12 year old daughter innocently volunteered the information that I am a perfectionist. The woman we were talking to suggested to my daughter that perhaps she didn't need to divulge her mother's bad habits so soon! Well, I have to say that I actually don't consider my perfectionist tendencies a bad habit. They make my life much more complicated than it needs to be, but it is how I have been made. As proof that I am comfortable with my perfectionist nature, I will share the following!
For as long as I have been quilting, I have aspired to a perfect quarter inch seam. My seams have consistently been a smidgen too deep, which for most patterns isn't a problem. But I am really keen to master a perfect seam allowance before I attempt the scariest quilt on my 'to do' list - Miss Rosie's 'Summer Wind':
As you may be able to see from the picture, the smallest seam error will simply compound as rows are added consecutively to the central block of this pattern.
In my quest for accuracy, I came across this wonderful post and this one, which detail how to perfect a seam width which will give accurate block sizes every time. In summary, I build a temporary barrier from a wad of Post-it notes and tape it to my machine at a position which gives me a 'scant' 1/4 inch seam. As I sew a seam, the fabric butts up against the barrier as you can see in the photo, and prevents me from sewing too deeply. The little notch cut out of the Post-it notes accommodates the feed dogs below. If you are totally confused as to what I am on about, read the links I have listed. This technique has really worked for me.
I have been teased about my perfectionism so many times, it no longer offends. So feel free to tease away! But call me 'anal' and that's quite another story!

Monday, 25 February 2008
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig
Another quick trip back to the farm house on the weekend to be with my Mum on the first anniversary of my Dad's passing. So another brief opportunity to be in my garden & take some photos. I have been inspired by Annie's Flower Garden collages so I have made one up using Flickr. Be sure to visit Annie's site for more beautiful blooms & stitching.

Friday, 22 February 2008
Blog friends & just a little bit of quilting
A little progress on 'Le Jardin'. The fabric is cut, now I just need some time to sew.
Thank you to Chookyblue for her mention of me on her blog - I have lots of new friends today! And please wander over to Kerry's new blog and check out her very generous giveaway at her old blog, On the Hill.

Thursday, 21 February 2008
12 weeks of quilting fun - OVER!
The last of my Mum's twelve quilt-a-long blocks are done. Have a quick look at Crazy Mom Quilts blog to see how she has put her blocks together as a quilt top. Looks great, but requires 430 x 2.5" square - yikes! Start cutting Mother!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Cats or dogs?
I rediscovered this cushion during our move. I stitched it years ago. From memory, I think it is a Bronwyn Hayes design, probably from very old issue of Australian Country Threads.
They say the world is divided into cat lovers and dog lovers. I have to admit, I have a strong preference for dogs over cats, but this little slumbering kitty won me over!
This cartoon makes me laugh & just sums the whole cat vs dog thing up really - the cheerful playfulness of a puppy vs the nonchalant superiority of a cat!
And I found this link on One Little Acorn's blog today for all the dog lovers! "What kitty?"

Monday, 18 February 2008
Town mouse, country mouse!
We had a quick trip 'home' to the farm on the weekend, a month after moving to town. We are in the privileged position of not having to sell our little farm just yet, so we are able to visit from time to time & catch up with family, friends & the 'big garden'. Needless to say we spent a lot of time mowing as we have had a very wet 4 weeks & the garden has gone berserk.
Of course, I couldn't visit without returning with some flowers - oh, how I miss my roses!
The garden at the 'town house' is non-existent, as posted about previously. The house is very modern & really commands a modern style garden, you know, lots of architectural plantings, cordylines & black mondo etc - but I just don't think I can bring myself to have a rose-less garden.

Saturday, 16 February 2008
Quilt infatuation?
I have been completely seduced by the quilt in the background of this photo since I first saw it on Kathrine's Quilte Stue blog ages ago. I love the simplicity of the design, the freshness of the fabrics and the prospect of a quilt that might go together quickly! The pattern is 'Le Jardin' by Australian designer Lynne Wilson of Threads of Time. Thought I would make it up in these luscious fabrics, Shangri La by 3 Sisters for Moda.
My partner in fabric addiction, Peg, has made 'Le Jardin' in rich antique florals - you can see her lovely version here.

Friday, 15 February 2008
Quilt-a-long backlog!
I may not have had internet access for a month, but my Mum has been powering on with her quilt-a-long blocks regardless! Just one more block of twelve to go. Her blocks are looking very pretty together, & will coordinate beautifully with the Single Irish Chain quilt she has made.

I am generally considered a mild-mannered woman …
… but if I have to deal with one more Telstra technician, I will not be responsible for my actions! Finally, I am 'connected' with you all again and life is good! I had no idea I had become so reliant on the Internet until I had to live without it for a month. My humble apologies to you again for such an extended absence. I am looking forward to communicating with you again, replying to your kind & lovely emails & catching up with a month's worth of news on all your blogs! Best wishes, Bloom.
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