Or so Sarah quite reasonably proclaimed when my name was drawn at random (yet again!) for her big SEWN launch giveaway! I was the lucky recipient of this amazing book:

Life has been so hectic lately, I've barely had a chance to read it yet, but it is an enormous & inspiring tome, covering many textile crafts, and full to the brim with great projects. One of those fantastic books that will be returned to time & time again I'm sure.
But wait, (dare I say) there's more! As part of the SEWN launch, there were 156 bloggers who offered up their own giveaways to celebrate. I discovered Melinda's lovely blog, The Patchwork Orange. Melinda is an Australian living in Singapore and runs a quilting & craft business. And yes, I happened to win her giveaway!

She sent me kits to make up a sweet little sewing kit ...
... and an equally cute pincushion:

Melinda has generously posted a free pattern for this pincushion on her blog. You can find it here. I have to say, Melinda's kits were the most immaculately presented kits I have ever received. Right down to the smallest detail, they are amazingly perfect! Each & every element matches the other - buttons, threads, ribbons & felt all matching fabric perfectly. She obviously has a very good eye for colour.

The cutest detail was this tiny, tiny spool of thread, no bigger than half an inch high!
My warmest thanks to both Sarah & Melinda for hosting such generous giveaways. My heritage is more German than Irish, but lucky? Indeed I am!