
Sunday 6 January 2008

Teddies, all in a row

Some years ago now, I made this teddy bear swag for the newborn son of one of my good friends. I have to say he was not quite so 'newborn' when he finally received this gift! Perhaps 2008 will see me put some 'pep in my step' & finish projects more quickly? Hmmm, probably not! How cute are these teddies? The pattern is by Buzzy Bee Buttons and is called 'Teddy Line up Swag'.


  1. They are soooo cute :)
    Love teddies and there was a lot of "new" stitcheries for me on this link.

  2. The are awesome, and a great idea.

  3. The cutest teddies in the world. Thanks for giving the pattern. I am also hoping for being more productive this year and finishing up what I have. Nice to find your blog.

  4. Love these teddies, just too cute.

  5. I adore your teddies!!! They are so cute!


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