
Saturday 5 January 2008

Stitching friendships

In the sad absence of stitching news this month, I thought I would blow the cobwebs off some old projects to show you.This was a joint project with a lovely friend of mine that we stitched together about three years ago, and was a gift for a mutual & special friend. It is Bareroots Cozy Table Runner #101. We had such fun putting this together & made enthusiastic and rash promises that we would each make one for ourselves one day, but of course, we haven't!


  1. Very beautiful tablerunner. Of course we give away the best things and plan to make one for ourself. But do we do it ....hehehe

  2. What a beautiful gift for a friend. Shame about the intended gift for yourself.

  3. Maybe that could go down on your list for 2008 to make one for yourself.
    Bareroots patterns are always very nice.

  4. I absolutely love the table runner. It is just so lovely!!

  5. It's just gorgeous and even better when you click on the photo and enlarge it. You should definitely make a start on one for yourself. I stitched an ornament for a work colleague for Christmas, and then ended up making a different one for her as I couldn't bear to part with the first one.

  6. very nice table runner and I love the teddy bear swag........hope the packing and sorting is going ok......

  7. Your table runner is exqusite - love the colours.


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