
Sunday 14 August 2011

Mission complete

Our aim to finish Mum's bag before she returns home is accomplished. She did a wonderful job of it.

And if she happens to leave it behind, I wouldn't complain!

The details:
The pattern is Monica Poole's 'Spice of Life', a well-written pattern for an easy-to-construct, very stylish bag.

The main fabric is an Echino cotton/linen, purchased from The Home Patch, with a plain linen trim.

The star of this design is the spring-loaded handbag frame, which allows the bag to 'snap' open and closed. It works like a dream, and is good quality hardware. The frame was also purchased at The Home Patch.

Mum's bag is lined with a bird print fabric that my beautiful blogging friend Janelle sent me a while ago. It was just perfect for this project - thanks Nellie! 

The pattern has wonderful instructions for incorporating a zippered pocket, and a really sturdy, removable bag base.

I think there will be more of these bags made, I love it!


  1. Well Done to your Mum..Gorgeous Bag & I Love the Lining Fabric.

  2. Wow, it's beautiful. I love the fabrics. So bright and happy.

  3. very gorgeous bag - where can you buy the spring loaded thingys? Do they come with the pattern?

  4. Your mum did a great job of her bag, its goregeous

  5. Thank you for posting the particulars for this beautiful bag! It's been fun watching your mom's progress. It is great, I love it! ~karen

  6. That is just simply fantastic!

  7. Your mum is so lucky! Its an gorgeous bag :o)

  8. The purse is super cute. I am intrigued by the spring loaded frame. I am not sure of the size, but the purse looks like it might make a good "travel sew kit" for the essentials (scissors, pins, glasses, etc.). What do think? I am trying to come up with Go To kit. I am always forgetting scissors, or something when I take sewing on the road.

  9. Oh, love it. Glad you got it finished AND got to drink wine, a very balanced week end if you ask me!

  10. Looks very stylish! I have one constructed but can't get my hinge to work...must go & have another look...

  11. I love it too, I want to make one. I've never seen those spring loaded tops. It's fantastic!

  12. This bag turned out great. Love the choice of fabric, and the style. Great job!!!

  13. It turned out so good! I love it. :)

  14. Such a beautiful bag - I really love the Echino fabric

  15. LOVE that bag, the lining fabric is exceptional! Looks like you had "Such Fun' making it ;)
    NN xx

  16. Bloom well done to your mum,what a fantastic job she did making this bag,its beautiful


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