
Monday 26 April 2010

The liabilities of a frilly handbag

I have two Frilly Dilly bags (one and two) which I use constantly. There is hardly day where I go out with one or other of my bags and they do not draw comment. I have been picked out from a crowd by my Frilly Dilly. "You must be Bloom - I recognise that bag!" All credit for this goes to Janelle Wind for designing such an amazing pattern. It is my favourite, and everyone else's too it would seem!

I promised my niece her own Frilly Dilly for her 21st birthday. She turns 22 this week!!

My brief was to create something in blue, green, yellow and orange. I failed on the orange, although there is the smallest amount in one of the prints.

For poor Suzi-Q, who was so exasperated when I didn't give fabric details a couple of posts back, the fabrics I have used are as follows:

1,2 = precious 'Flea Market Fancy' by Denyse Schmidt
3 = 'Ginger Bliss' by Amy Butler
4,5= 'Charm' by Amy Butler
6 = Michael Miller 'Dum Dot' C2490

The foundation fabric is a seeded Osnaberg. I would usually have used linen or linen/cotton, but the Osnaberg was just the right shade of 'neutral'!

I wandered down to my local Botanical Gardens to take these photos, thinking it would look quite at home amongst the newly fallen Autumn leaves.

And as so often happens with me, I was soon distracted by blooms, and what should have been a ten minute excursion turned into a leisurely & meandering stroll from one flower to another. But I will save those photos for my next post!

Happy 22nd birthday Niecey!

Edit - Janelle Wind has a complete list of stockists for her patterns listed in the left hand column of her blog.


  1. beautiful bag. how can i buy pattern?

  2. Fabulous bag and it's smaller than I realised which is a good thing if I had one. Might have to try it out because it sure does look good.

  3. i found a pattern and i can't wait to get and start it. Thanks for sharing

  4. What a fun bag!! LOve all three of them...your niece is going to freak when she sees it!! What a nice auntie!!
    Take care!

  5. What a great bag! I just love it and I am sure your niece will be ecstatic.

  6. That is one cute bag, niece out to be thrilled, I know I would. I like orange but I really like these cool shades.

  7. another beautiful bag.........I must make one..........

  8. Well my gorgeous friend what can I say.....Your niece will be blown away, love the fabrics, no doubt about it, you are one very talented Auntie Bloom.....Peg xx

  9. Gorgeous, as usual!! ~karen

  10. Your bag and pics are gorgeous! Makes me want to make another one!

  11. Your fabric selection is beautiful AND I can see orange.

  12. Beautiful combination af fabrics.

  13. Thank you SO much for all of the beautiful things you have said about my Frilly Dilly bag. I love that you love it so much too. Do you know that I don't even have one I can use -I think I better fix that problem LOL. This version for your niece looks AMAZING as do all of your Frilly Dilly's. Thank you SO much xx Janelle

  14. Another beautiful creation Bloom. I'm sure you niece didn't even mind that it was 12 months late. LOL!

  15. Ok, I'm hooked...keep returning to admire this bag...!!! Is there a pattern supplier/source in USA??? I want my own girlie is dazzling!

  16. Oh so beautiful! I wish i had sewing skills to create such a beautiful bag. Love visiting your lovely blog.(:

  17. I'm chiming in late here, as I just discovered your blog and see that your post was from April, but wanted to say the bag (and the other one you posted similar to it) is gorgeous!


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