
Saturday 13 August 2011

Mum's bag progress

I have returned from the netball run to find Mum sewing madly. I fully expected that she would not have progressed at all considering that when I left her, she had her brain fully engaged with a Sudoku! She has a thing for Sudokus!
But as she often does, she proved me wrong. She has the bag exterior together, the linen handles constructed and the lining completed. Alright! The lining even has two pockets, one of them with a zip closure. Legend!

Progress is likely to slow as it is approaching wine o'clock. But I will be back when there is something blog worthy to report.

Mum at work

The aforementioned bag got off to a slow start. Neither of us felt brave enough last night to cut into the Echino - we were both tired and a bit doughy after a glass of champagne! This morning saw us running about after the kids' sport.
But this afternoon, Mum is ready for business. She is busy quilting the outer layer as I type. Hope to be back soon with more progress ... after I get Miss 15 to netball and back :) Hope you are getting some sewing time this weekend too. Bloom x

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