
Friday 5 September 2008

Out, self-doubt!

Have made a start on May Britt's Stitchers' Angel Sewing Bag. I've decided on redwork, using DMC variegated floss #115. Can't find red flower buttons though, so will have to improvise!Happy Friday night! I'm off to enjoy some 'improvisation tonic' aka a glass of champagne - who knows what my flowers will end up like!
I googled 'improvise' to see if I could find a clever quote & came up with this from Sylvia Plath, American poet & novelist:
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
So here I am, writing about not very much, improvising just a little, & fighting the self-doubt! Wishing you a very creative weekend, Bloom.
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