
Sunday 13 April 2008

Belly Dancing Dear Jane?

Special guests at the local Farmers' Market yesterday was this very brave troupe of belly dancers. They were fantastic, with bright costumes swirling & all sorts of things jingling! A major distraction I'm sure for the farmers trying to sell their produce! Oooh, I only wish my belly looked as good as this! Am I thinking of taking up belly dancing? Certainly not - there is just not enough time now that I have joined the Dear Baby Jane group! This my 12th block:It is C3 Rayelle's Fence. I think I may rename it 'The Deceiver'! It looks innocent & simple but is a bit of a cow to get square & straight with such small pieces. I am now caught up with the group & these are my 12 completed blocks. I am enjoying these little blocks immensely & if any of you are remotely tempted to join the group, give it a go! It is great fun. Anina's instructions are so clear, detailed & excellent that you can hardly go wrong. For those not tempted by Baby Jane, perhaps belly dancing?
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